Fusarium wilt symptoms begin in tomato and potato as slight vein clearing on outer leaflets and drooping of leaf petioles. Later the lower leaves wilt, turn yellow and die and the entire plant may be killed, often before the plant reaches maturity. In many cases a single shoot wilts before the rest of the plant shows symptoms or one side of the plant is affected first (Figure 1). If the main stem is cut, dark, chocolate-brown streaks may be seen running lengthwise through the stem (Figure 2). This discoloration often extends upward for some distance and is especially evident at the point where the petiole joins the stem. Potato tubers may show browning of the vascular ring (Figure 3) as well as browning at the stem end and decay where stolons are attached. In pepper, lower leaves do not begin to wilt until roots and the base of the stem have already started to decay. Wilting of the entire plant soon follows. Dark brown, sunken, and eventually girdling cankers may be seen at the base of the pepper plant. In eggplant, wilting progresses from lower to upper leaves, followed by collapse of the plant.
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Figure 1. Fusarium wilt of tomato. Note yellowing and death of leaves on one side of the stem. | Figure 2. Dark brown vascular discoloration in tomato caused by Fusarium wilt. Verticillium wilt causes a lighter tan discoloration of the vascular tissue. |
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Figure 3. Discoloration of the vascular ring of potato tubers caused by Fusarium wilt organisms. | Figure 4.Typical V-shaped lesions on tomato leaves associated with Verticillium wilt. |
Verticillium wilt symptoms on tomato, potato, and eggplant are similar to those of Fusarium wilt. Often no symptoms are seen until the plant is bearing heavily or a dry period occurs. The bottom leaves become pale, then tips and edges die and leaves finally die and drop off. V-shaped lesions at leaf tips are typical of Verticillium wilt of tomato (Figure 4). Infected plants usually survive the season but are somewhat stunted and both yields and fruits may be small depending on severity of attack. A light tan discoloration in the stem similar to that caused by Fusarium wilt may be found but is usually confined to lower plant parts. The discoloration is typically lighter in color than with Fusarium wilt. Symptoms on one side of the plant only are sometimes seen (Figure 5). In potatoes the pathogen may be part of a complex that includes, among others, the root lesion nematode and the bacterial soft rot organism, resulting in premature plant death ("potato early dying disease"). Tubers from Verticillium-infected plants may show light brown vascular discoloration, usually restricted to the stem end. In pepper, the lower leaves wilt, then leaf tips and margins dry and turn brown. Brown streaks in the vascular tissue can be observed well up into the plant, which rapidly collapses and dies.
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Figure 5. One-sided wilt and death of potato leaves caused by Verticillium spp. |
Fusarium wilt in solanaceous crops is caused by several different types of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. These are: F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (tomato), F. oxysporum f. sp. melongenae (eggplant) and F. oxysporum var. vasinfectum (pepper). Fusarium wilt in potato is caused by a complex of up to four different Fusarium spp. All of the Fusarium wilt pathogens are generally specific to their hosts and are soilborne. They are warm weather organisms, and therefore Fusarium wilts are most serious later in the growing season in Ohio.
Verticillium wilt is caused by the fungi Verticillium albo-atrum and V. dahliae. These fungi attack a wide range of plant species, including cultivated crops and weeds. They are soilborne in field and greenhouse soils where they can persist for many years. V. albo-atrum is a cool weather organism that grows best when soil temperatures are between 65 and 75 degrees F. V. dahliae is more active between 75 and 83 degrees F. Although disease is retarded by the higher temperatures that favor Fusarium wilt, visible symptoms may appear to be more severe when high temperatures exist, due to restricted water movement in the plant brought about by damage done to the water conducting vessels earlier in the growing season.