The most common setback for lawns without sprinkler systems is under watering. On the other hand, the most common setback for lawns with a sprinkler system is over watering. Just like a indoor plant too much or too little water can stunt or even kill the plant. Funguses and root rot strive in wet soils.
Too little water will cause the ground to dry and crack. Foundations of houses can separate and cause thousands of dollars of damage. Too much water can wash away soil nutrients and any fertilizers or chemicals that you have applied.
Water shortages are common in many areas of the world yet it is not uncommon to see sprinkler systems running while it is raining. Water management is probably the hardest things we can do to our turfgrass.
In hot dry weather 50% of watering can be lost to evaporation. In humid weather almost none is lost. Wind can affect patterns and can help to speed up the drying process making less water available to the plant. Decreases in water pressures and improperly working sprinkler heads can greatly affect a well planned watering schedule.
Grass blades are covered with tiny pores called stomata. The plant absorbs water, nutrients and minerals through the roots and uses all of these things in producing food. This process is called photosynthesis. Excess water and oxygen are then released through the pores on the grass blades. This is called transpiration, and without enough water, the cycle can slow or even stop. Transpiration replaces oxygen and water vapor in the air. Just 2,500 square feet of turf can produce enough oxygen to support a family of four.
Soil types affect how often and how long you need to water. Sandy soil absorbs water fast but can lose it just as quick. Loam soil is ideal because it has a good absorbing rate and can also hold water well. Clay soil can be hard to water because it absorbs the water very slowly. Clay also holds water well and dries slower than sand or loam type soils.
The average turfgrass consumes about one inch of water a week. If there isn’t enough rain to meet the need, then watering is the only answer. Soil dries out from the surface downward. By deep watering you encourage deeper rooting of the grass. Water each area long enough to saturate the soil to a depth of six inches (that’s about one inch water per area per week). If possible, apply most of this inch of water at one time. Summer temperatures may affect your watering time due to evaporation. Evaporation may require you to water up to three inches in one week to give the plant an actual inch of water.
A dense thatch layer, surface crusts, or a non-wettable sand can severely reduce water infiltration rates. These surface conditions can be readily corrected through aeration, soil amendments, Humic Acid or wetting agents.
When water begins to stand (puddle) or run off, cut the water off. Let the area go dry for an hour or two and then water the same area again. This will allow you to do what is called deep root watering. In many areas of the country this can be done once a week.
Water Test
Do you take water test every year? Have you ever noticed that year after year they always look the same? Have you noticed that no matter what amendments you put in your water, you can never see what you've done by looking at your test?
Do you really understand what all those numbers are or what they mean? Greensmiths water test can help. We have developed a water test that has been available for years that's very simple to do and understand.
First, you take your water samples the same way you always have.
You then send them to:
Servi-Tech Labs
1816 E. Wyatt Earp
Dodge City, KS 67801
Request that they do a "Greensmiths Test." Your results will be sent back to you within 2 weeks. Greensmiths will also receive a copy of your test. Within a few days one of our Agronomist will contact you and answer any questions that you may have concerning your water test. He will also make recommendations on products that may be considered.
Once you can look at your water test and see what changes you have done over a growing season, it is easy to see the results of your efforts. You can see areas that have improved and areas that need more work. By increasing your applications in the areas needed you will achieve a more consistent green throughout your golf course or property. Your staff and members will see the improvements which means your Manager and Board of Directors hear about it.
When you are confronted about the improvements you will actually be able to take your water test and explain to everybody what you've done and what your goals are for the next growing season.
How impressed will they be seeing you read and understand your water test? You'll probably be the first Superintendent they've had that could do it