One of the best weapons against weeds is to create a healthy plant. In almost every case, weeds, insects and disease seek plants that are in stress. If a grass is growing in a healthy, balanced soil, if it is mowed correctly and watered properly it will be able to withstand almost anything that comes it's way. If it is deficient in any of these categories, it can be taken over or killed quit easily. If chemicals are needed, first identify the weed. This section will help you. After you have succeeded this, then you can come to our herbicide page. This will help you decide which chemical will be best suited for your needs. Weeds are the number one pest problem in lawns, golf courses and athletic fields. A weed is any undesirable or unwanted plant. For instance bermuda is a turfgrass, but if you have a fescue lawn and bermuda begins to creep in, the bermuda now becomes a weed. Weeds come from animals, people, wind and tubers. Weeds are unwanted because they are nuisances, cause extra mowing and obstruct water flow in drainage ditches. They also harbor insects and diseases that may attack turf and other plants. Poison ivy causes skin irritation and stinging nettle (bull nettle) causes a skin rash. Cool season weeds reduce the vigor of most turf by competing for moisture, nutrients & light. Effective chemical weed control requires proper identification of the weed. Effective control also requires accurate timing of applications, proper rate of application and proper uniformity of application. Follow all label recommendations. Identify the season - Cool season weeds – germinate in fall & die in heat. Warm season weeds– germinate in spring & die in cold. This list is for helping you identify the specific weed. No chemical recomendations are given. |
Weed Information and Identification by common name |
Annual Bluegrass Season: Winter Annual. Stems: 3 to 6 inches tall and flat. Leaves: Light green and "v" shaped. Seeds: Small and creamy.
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Annual Fleabane Season: Summer Annual or biennial. Stems: 1 to 2 feet tall. Leaves: Mostly at stem base. Flowers: Yellow encircle with white to light purple and single at branch ends.
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Asiatic Dayflower Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Erect. Leaves: Short and lance shaped. Flowers: Blue or purplish-blue and boat shaped.
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Barnyardgrass Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Thick, smooth, 2 to 4 feet tall. Leaves: Smooth. Seeds: Green to reddish-purple. Short stiff bristles.
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Bermudagrass Season: Perennial. Stems: Erect. Leaves: Flat. Flowers: Finger like flower clusters. Seeds: Small off white.
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Bigroot Morning-glory Season: Perennial. Stems: Purplish. Leaves: Heart shaped. and smooth. Flowers: White and funnel shaped.
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Bitter Sneezeweed Season: Summer Annual. Stems: 4 to 24 inches tall and purplish. Leaves: Small and thread like. Flowers: Yellow. |
Camphorweed Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Woody. Leaves: Sparse and rough texture. Flowers: Numerous, small and yellow.
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Carolina Falsedandelion Season:Winter Annual or biennial. Stems:6 inches to 2 feet tall. Leaves: Basal or cut. Flowers: Yellow.
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Carolina Geranium Season: Winter annual or biennial. Stems: Smooth, erect and reddish. Leaves: Deeply cut. Flowers: Pink clusters. Seeds: Long pointed seed pods.
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Carpetweed Season: Summer annual. Stems: Green and smooth. It branches along the ground in all directions forming flat mats. Leaves: Smooth, tongue-shaped in clusters of 5 to 6 at each joint. Flowers: Small and white. Seeds: Orange-red.
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Citronmelon Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Hairy vine. Leaves: Deeply cut. and variegated. Flowers: Pale yellow producing a green melon. Seeds:White to dark flattened.
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Common Chickweed Season: Winter Annual. Stems: Branched and creeping. Leaves: Small egg-shaped. Flowers: Star-shaped and white. Seeds: Pod. Seed is reddish-brown.
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Common Cocklebur Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Woody 1 to 6 feet tall. Leaves: Rough, hairy and dark to yellowish green. Flowers: Pollen producing. Seeds: Very hard covered with hooked spines. Toxic.
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Common Lambsquarters Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Erect and often with red or light green lines. 1 to 6 feet tall. Leaves: Grayish-green with ragged toothed edges. Flowers: Small green. Seeds: Shinny black. |
Eastern Brackenfern Season: Perennial. Stems: Black. Leaves: Fern like and poisonous.
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Eclipta Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Red and up to 3 feet tall. Leaves: Narrow. Flowers: Small and inconspicuous. Seeds: Wedge or tooth shaped.
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Field Bindweed Season: Perennial. Stems: Thick branches. Leaves: Heart shaped. Flowers: White or pink. Seeds: Brown.
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Field Sandbur Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Erect. Leaves: Smooth and wrinkled. Flowers: Yellow spikes. Seeds: Yellow.
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Florida Beggarweed Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Erect and red to purple. Leaves: Trifoliate. Flowers: Clusters of pea size blooms. Seeds: Hairs on pods.
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Florida Betony Season: Perennial. Stems: 4 angled, 6 to 20 inches tall. Leaves: Toothed and hairy. Flowers: White, pink or purple. Seeds: Small.
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Florida Pusley Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Weak. Leaves: 1 to 3 inches and oval. Flowers: White.
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Foxtail Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Erect, 1 to 2 feet tall. Leaves: Flat. Seeds: Hairy spike.
Japanese Honeysuckle Season: Perennial. Stems: Young are green to red and they turn gray and brittle with age. Leaves: Oval and smooth. Flowers: White with a touch of purple and they turn yellow. Seeds: Berries are black.
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Jimsonweed Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Reddish and thick. Leaves: Saw-toothed. Flowers: White. Seeds: Pods.
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Johnsongrass Season: Perennial. Stems: 2 to 6 feet tall. Leaves: Smooth to 20 inches long. Seeds: Purplish with hair.
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Knotweed Season: Summer annual. Stems: Bluish green. Leaves: Alternate. Flowers: Small pink or white.
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Kudzu Season: Perennial. Stems: Woody and hairy. Leaves: Trifoliate and 3 to 6 inches long. Flowers: Purple and small. Seeds: Pods are long and covered in hair.
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Large Crabgrass Season: Summer Annual. Stems: Smooth. Leaves: Hairy. Seeds: 3 to 10 finger like spikes.
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Little Barley Season: Winter Annual. Stems: Smooth. Leaves: Alternate and rough. Seeds: Spike seed head. |
Redroot Pigweed Season: Summer annual. Stems: Erect up to 6 feet tall and have a rough texture. Leaves: Dull green. Flowers: Green and grow in dense spikes. Seed: Black and very tiny.
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Red Sorrel Season: Perennial. Stems: 1/2 to 2 feet tall. Leaves: Arrow shaped. Flowers: Yellow.
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Redstem Filaree Season: Winter Annual or biennial. Stems: Prostrate. Leaves: Alternate and fern like. Flowers: Clusters of pink to purple. Seeds: Pod is beaked.
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Redvine Season: Perennial. Stems: Woody. Leaves: Alternate. Flowers: Winged. Seeds: Drop shaped and winged.
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Roundleaf Greenbriar Season: Perennial. Stems: Vine or woody with some thorns. Leaves: Alternate and smooth. Flowers: Blue like berries.
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Shepherdspurse Season: Winter Annual Stems: Smooth and erect. Leaves: Basal. Flowers: Small four-petaled. Seeds: Heart shaped pods. |
Tall Morning-glory Season: Annual. Stems: Hairy. Leaves: Heart shaped. Flowers: Purple, red, blue or white funnel shaped.
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Torpedograss Season: Perennial. Stems: Stiff and 1 to 3 feet tall. Leaves: Long, flat and slender.
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Tropic Croton Season: Summer Annual. Stems: rough and hairy. Leaves: Oblong to egg shaped.
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Trumpetcreeper Season: Perennial. Stems: Smooth 20 to 40 feet long. Leaves: 6 to 15 inches long. Flowers: Large orange trumpet shaped. Seeds: Pod is 4 to 6 inches long.
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Vaseygrass Season: Perennial. Stems: From large clumps, erect. Leaves: Coarse and long.
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