
بزرگترین مجله کشاورزی اینترنتی


بزرگترین مجله کشاورزی اینترنتی

Humic Acid

Humic Acid is a biostimulant and can be used on turf, trees, shrubs, bushes, beds, gardens and even on indoor plants. Almost anything that grows will benefit from Humic Acid.

Humic Acid comes from Leonardite shale and is the most concentrated organic material available. North Dakota Humic Acid comes entirely from trees and vegetation which laid down in the Carboniferous Period when that area was the tropical sunbelt of North America. Over the ages, the vegetation underwent compaction and heating. It slowly carbonized and became coal. This compaction squeezed out the organic acids and esters present in the vegetation and formed a pool on top of the lignite coal bed. This pool dried and aged and eventually formed Leonardite shale. Because of its vegetative origin, this material is very rich and beneficial to plants today.

Humic Acid increases nutrient uptake, drought tolerance and seed germination. It increases the microbial activity in the soil making it an excellent root stimulator.  Humic Acid increases the availability of nutrients that are already in your soil and will naturally aerate the soil from the inside. It also will help to lower the pH of the soil and will flush high levels of salts out of the root zone.

Humic Acid has been used by Nurserymen, Landscapers, Golf Courses, and Athletic Fields for years. These professionals have found that Humic Acid saves them on fertilizing and watering rates.

There are several different chemical structures of Humic Acid available. The more concentrated forms are the best and in the long run can be the cheapest. Look for 75% Humic or higher. These will be your richer forms.


Increases nutrient uptake.

Your turf (plant) will be a richer, healthier green.

Smaller amounts of fertilizers will be needed.

Increases drought tolerance.

Prevent dry spots.

Use lower amounts of water.

Increase seed vigor.

Higher seed germination.

Increase beneficial soil microbe activity.

Healthier soil means a healthier turf (plant).

Chelates and enhances availability of nutrients.

Buffers against high fertilizer salts and pH changes.

Helps keep fertilizer from leaching through the soil making this an "Earth Friendly" product.

Initiates vigorous root development.

Thick aggressive turf.

Improves yields and quality.

Denser turf.

Greensmiths Humic Acid consists primarily of Humic Acid but it also contains minor levels of minerals. Our special Humic Acids form a unique complex with nutrients very similar to chelates. This new complex is very active and is easily absorbed by the root. The high carbon content stimulates beneficial soil organisms. Continued use improves the structure and organic content to the soil.

Greensmiths Humic Acid helps to increase nutrient uptake, drought tolerance, seedling vigor, beneficial soil microbe activity and availability of all soil nutrients. Greensmiths Humic Acid will also help keep fertilizer from leaching through the soil and will initiates vigorous root development.


In the fall of 2005 our good friend, Mr. Ron Wallace, ordered a 50# bag of our Humic Acid to try on his pumpkin patch.  Ron specializes in growing giant pumpkins.  This year Ron took first place in the Giant Pumpkin growers contest and has set a new worlds record of 1,502 pounds.  See more pictures by going to: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/ViewArticle.asp?id=161&gid=49   Congratulations Ron!

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Greensmiths warrants that the product conforms to its chemical description and is reasonably fit for the purpose stated on the label when used in accordance with directions under normal conditions of use, but neither this warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose express or implied, extends to the use, storage or handling of this product contrary to label instructions or under abnormal conditions, or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to seller, and buyer assumes the risk of such use.


Humic Acids (Dry Basis)....................................65-75%











