عکس گونه های گیاهی
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:16
عکسهای گیاهان مختلف بر اساس نام علمی A-F Species گونه گیاهی Description توضیح درباره عکس Abrus precatorius Leaves/photo MT Abrus precatorius Climbing a tree I/photo MT Abrus precatorius Climbing a tree II/photo MT Abrus precatorius Climbing a tree III/photo MT Abutilon theophrasti Lots of plants!/photo JMR Acacia...
Army Worms کرم خاردار
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:14
Army worms favorite foods are turfgrasses and grains that are planted in the fall. Cool wet weather helps to increase their number. This is also the time when most turfgrasses are at their peak. Their eggs are deposited on or near plant foods. The egg masses may contain several hundred new worms. Each female may...
Ants مورچه ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:14
Ants are among the most successful insects. Experts estimate that there could be 20,000 or more species of ants in the world. They have evolved to fill a variety of different ecological niches as predators, herbivores, leaf-cutters, seed-harvesters, aphid- tenders, and fungus-growers. They are found in deserts and...
Weevils شپشه ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:13
This is a picture of the Alfalfa Weevil. Weevils can have both hair and scales. Weevils are major agricultural pests but a few species have been used for biological control of weeds. This guy is a Palmetto Weevil and they can range in color from black to red and black. They are North America's largest weevil. They can...
Ticks کنه ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:13
American dog tick, (Dermacentor variabilis) This tick is one of the most prevalent tick pests in the Eastern United States. Adults are about 1/4" long, and the shield has variable white markings. The larvae and nymphs prefer to feed on mice, whereas adults prefers dogs and other large animals. Brown dog tick,...
Stink Bug سنها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:12
Stink bugs can be found in fields and meadows. The drink plant juices. They release a horrid odor for protection. If you squash them then be prepared to run
Spiders عنکبوت ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:11
Order Araneae Spiders are the largest group of arachnids. There are more than 35,000 species throughout the world that are named including 3,000 in North America. There are hundreds more that have not yet been identified. They are all predators and live on plants, in trees, under rocks, on the ground and water. Eyes A...
Sod Web Worms کرم
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:11
Sod webworms can be serious pests of home lawns, sports fields, golf courses and other turfgrass areas. The larvae (caterpillars) are gray or tan with dark spots on the body. Sod webworms seem to prefer new, vigorous lawns and they increase in importance when many new lawns are being established. Adults are gray to...
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:10
KINGDOM: Animalia PHYLUM: Mollusca CLASS: Gastropoda SUBCLASS: Pulmonata ORDER: Stylommatophora SUBORDER: Sigmurethra FAMILIES: Testacellidae, Urocyclidae, Parmacellidae, Milacidae, LimacidAe, Trigonochlamydidae, Boettgeritlidae, Arionidae, Philomycidae HOW BIG? : One-half inch (13 mm) to ten inches (25.4 cm),...
Mosquitoes پشه ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:10
Mosquitoes (Culicidae, suborder Culicinae) Over 1,500 species Worldwide. The word mosquito is Spanish and means 'little fly'. Adults can be recognised because they are the only family of flies which have both the veins of their wings covered in scales (very rare in any flies at all) and a long projecting proboscis....
Katydids راست بالان
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:09
Katydids are camouflage experts and can be difficult to find. They are found in wooded areas and forests and love to eat foliage. Here is a close-up picture to show off his good looks. This is a picture of his mouth. Open up and say "Awwww".
Grub Worms لارو حشرات
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:09
Grubs are a root-feeding headache for the turf pro. Short curative treatments used to be our only weapon against these destructive pests, but new preventative products have given us more tools to help in the battle. To understand today's products we must first look at the biology of grubs. Grubs are the immature...
Flies مگس ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:08
Flies are one of the major success's of the insect world, and the 120,000+ species are divided into three sub-orders: The Nematocera, (larva with complete head and horizontally biting mandibles). The Brachycera, (larva with incomplete head and vertically biting mandibles). The Cyclorrhapha, (larva with vestigial...
Fleas کک ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:08
A number of small arthropods can bite man and his animals. These include arachnids such as spiders, ticks, chiggers, and insects such as head or body lice, fleas, mosquitoes, biting flies, amd others. All of these arthropods have different life cycles and biological requirements. Fleas are a particularly severe pest...
Dragonflies سنجاقک ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:07
Dragonflies date back to 300 million years ago and today there are over 5,000 different types. They have four wings and eat other insects. they are considered to be beneficial predators so don't confuse them with mosquitoes and try to kill them. Leave them alone and enjoy watching them as they buzz around your...
Crane flies چوبک مانند
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:07
For years people have mistaken the crane fly for the mosquito. They range in color from gray to brown to gold. They are very friendly and do not bite or sting. They love humid areas, wet ground and can be found around creeks, rivers and lakes.
Cockroaches سوسری ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:06
Cockroaches are pests throughout the world. They are annoying and, when abundant, they are also destructive. Cockroaches, also known as waterbugs, croton bugs or palmetto bugs, destroy food and damage fabrics, book bindings and other materials. When cockroaches run over food they leave filth and may spread disease....
Chinch Bugs ساس ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:06
Once chinch bugs become established they can rapidly kill your turf. Even though they prefer some grasses, most any grass can become food for them. The adult Chinch Bug is 1/6 to 1/5 inch long. It has red legs, a black body and full wings. The nymphs are smaller and are orange in color. Both adult and nymphs are...
Caterpillars هزارپا ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:05
Nest time you spot a caterpillar eating your plants you might not want to be so quick to kill it. The "critter" you kill might be the early stage of a butterfly. The caterpillar on top is in its normal stage but the one one the bottom is about to become a chrysalis which is the stage before it becomes a butterfly....
Butterfly پروانه ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:04
Butterfly Cocoon (Chrysalis) This is a close up of a Monarch emerging from what some think is a cocoon. Actually, with Moths it is called a cocoon and is created by the Moth from silk. With Butterflies it is called chrysalis which is simple part of the caterpillars skin. Gulf Fritillary Marine Blue Monarch Here's the...
Beetles سوسک ها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:04
Ladybird beetles, also known as ladybug beetles are voracious predators of aphids. Collectors sell them in bulk to gardeners for pest control. Beetles can be both enemy and friend to the agriculture industry. Some species devastate crops and others attack the attackers which reduces the need for chemical pesticides....
Bees and Wasps زنبورها
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 18:03
The insects most beneficial to humans are found in the large insect order Hymenoptera. Not only are the bees and many of their relatives pollinators of flowering plants, including fruits and vegetables, but thousands of species of small wasps are parasites of other arthropods including pest insects. Without these...
مقدمه ای بر علف های هرز
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 11:17
علف هرز از مهمترین موضوعاتی است که بشر همواره با آن دست به گریبان بوده است و همواره خسارت های زیادی را به انسان و محصولات زراعی او وارد می سازد. خسارت های وارد شده توسط این موجودات به صورت نسبتا نامحسوس وارد می گردد، چرا که بذر های خود را به آرامی در هر جا که می خواهند پراکنده می نمایند و به رشد خود ادامه می دهند....
تعدادی از ماشین آلات کشاورزی
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 11:17
E. TRACTOR AND OTHER POWER OPERATED IMPLEMENTS 1. Power Tiller (item no 27) Purpose: A prime mover in which direction of travel & its control for field operation is performed by the operator walking behind it. It is also known as hand or walking type tractor. 2. Agricultural Tractor (Wheeled) (item no 28) Purpose:...
گال طوقه سیب Apple crown gall
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 11:15
این بیماری ناشی از باکتری Agrobacterium tumefaciens است.علائم آن تشکیل گال در محل طوقه وندرتا ریشه وساقه است. این بیماری بیشتر در نهالستانها دیده میشود. گالها به علت رشد و تکثیر سرطانی یاخته های آلوده ایجاد میشوند. تبدیل یاخته های عادی به یاخته های سرطانی بر اثر ورود پلاسمید ( (Ti- plasmid به یاخته و ادغام DNA مولد...
مقیاسها و اندازه
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 11:14
مقیاسها Units of Measure 1 sq in = 6.45 sq cm 1 sq ft = 144 sq in = 929 sq cm 1 sq A = 43,560 sq ft = 4,840 sq yds Centimeter = .39 in = .01 m = 10 mm 1 in = 2.54 cm = .083 ft = .0278 yds 1 ft = 12 in = 1/3 yd = 30.5 cm = .305 m 1 yd = 36 in = 91.44 cm = .914 m 1 m = 100 cm = 39.37 in = 3.28 ft = .094 yds 1 r = 16.5...
Weeds شناسنامه علفهای هرز
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 11:13
One of the best weapons against weeds is to create a healthy plant. In almost every case, weeds, insects and disease seek plants that are in stress. If a grass is growing in a healthy, balanced soil, if it is mowed correctly and watered properly it will be able to withstand almost anything that comes it's way. If it...
Calcite Calcium کلسیم
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 11:13
Calcite Calcium is produced from high Calcium Carbonate Limestone quarried from underground mines. The particle size, purity and crystal structure of the mineral provide a unique slow release mechanism to predictably provide continuous release of Calcium over time. Calcium helps to build the cell wall structure of the...
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 11:12
Aeration of turfgrass root zones is critical on intensively managed and used turfgrass areas. Water management, nutrient availability, thatch accumulation and root development are all affected by aeration. Playability and safety for the sports athlete are fast becoming a issue and possible liability. Spiking, core...
Watering آبیاری
پنجشنبه 20 دی 1386 11:12
Every living thing needs water to survive and turf is no exception. As the weather gets hotter, your turf processes more and more water. It is too bad that when the turf needs water the most is when it rains the least. If you don’t help the turf by irrigation you may experience the grass going dormant or suffer...